Rig-Veda 2.018.04

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     ā́ duvā́bhyāṃ háribhyām indra yāhi      ā́ dvā́bhyām = háribhyām indra yāhi      M        —   ◡——   ◡——   —◡   —◡   (11)
b.     ā́ catúrbhir ā́ ṣaḍbhír hūyámānaḥ      ā́ catúrbhiḥ = ā́ ṣaḍbhíḥ hūyámānaḥ      M        —   ◡—◡   —   ——   —◡——   (11)
c.     ā́ aṣṭābhír dašábhiḥ somapéyam      ā́ aṣṭābhíḥ = dašábhiḥ somapéyam      M        ◡   ———   ◡◡—   —◡——   (11)
d.     ayáṃ sutáḥ sumakha mā́ mṛ́dhas kaḥ      ayám sutáḥ = sumakha mā́ } mṛ́dhaḥ kar      M        ◡—   ◡—   ◡◡◡   —   ◡—   —   (11)

Labels:M: genre M  
Aufrecht: ā́ dvā́bhyāṃ háribhyām indra yāhy ā́ catúrbhir ā́ ṣaḍbhír hūyámānaḥ
ā́ṣṭābhír dašábhiḥ somapéyam ayáṃ sutáḥ sumakha mā́ mṛ́dhas kaḥ
Pada-Pāṭha: ā | dvābhyām | hari-bhyām | indra | yāhi | ā | catuḥ-bhiḥ | ā | ṣaṭ-bhiḥ | hūyamānaḥ | ā | aṣṭābhiḥ | daša-bhiḥ | soma-peyam | ayam | sutaḥ | su-makha | mā | mṛdhaḥ | karitikaḥ
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): ā́=d<u>vā́=bhyāṃ háribhyām indra yāh<i> ā́=catúrbhir ā́=ṣaḍbhír hūyámānaḥ
ā́=<a>ṣṭābhír dašábhiḥ somapéyam ayáṃ sutáḥ sumakha mā́=mṛ́dhas kaḥ [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: Indra, come hitherward with two Bay Coursers, come thou with four, with six when invocated.
Come thou with eight, with ten, to drink the Soma. Here is the juice, brave Warrior: do not scorn it.
Geldner: Komm mit zwei Falben, o Indra, mit vieren, mit sechsen, da du gerufen wirst, mit acht, mit zehn zum Somatrunk. Dieser Soma ist ausgepresst, o Freigebiger, verschmäh ihn nicht! [Google Translate]

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