Rig-Veda 2.018.05

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     ā́ viṃšatyā́ triṃšátā yāhi arvā́ň      ā́ viṃšatyā́ = triṃšátā yāhi arvā́ň      M        —   ———   —◡—   —◡   ——   (11)
b.     ā́ catvāriṃšátā háribhir yujānáḥ      ā́ catvāriṃšátā háribhiḥ yujānáḥ      M        —   ———◡—   ◡◡—   ◡——   (12)
c.     ā́ pañcāšátā suráthebhir indra      ā́ pañcāšátā = suráthebhiḥ indra      M        —   ——◡—   ◡◡—◡   —◡   (11)
d.     ā́ ṣaṣṭiyā́ saptatyā́ somapéyam      ā́ ṣaṣṭyā́ = saptatyā́ somapéyam      M        —   —◡—   ———   —◡——   (11)

Labels:M: genre M  
Aufrecht: ā́ viṃšatyā́ triṃšátā yāhy arvā́ň ā́ catvāriṃšátā háribhir yujānáḥ
ā́ pañcāšátā suráthebhir indrā́ ṣaṣṭyā́ saptatyā́ somapéyam
Pada-Pāṭha: ā | viṃšatyā | triṃšatā | yāhi | arvāň | ā | catvāriṃšatā | hari-bhiḥ | yujānaḥ | ā | pañcāšatā | su-rathebhiḥ | indra | ā | ṣaṣṭyā | saptatyā | soma-peyam
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): ā́=viṃšatyā́=triṃšátā yāh<i> arvā́=ň ā́=catvāriṃšátā háribhir yujānáḥ
ā́=pañcāšátā suráthebhir indr<a> ā́=ṣaṣṭ<i>yā́=saptatyā́=somapéyam [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: O Indra, come thou hither having harnessed thy car with twenty, thirty, forty horses.
Come thou with fifty well trained coursers, Indra, sixty or seventy, to drink the Soma.
Geldner: Komm mit zwanzig, mit dreissig hierher, mit vierzig Falben fahrend, mit fünfzig gut eingefahren, o Indra, mit sechzig, mit siebenzig zum Somatrunk! [Google Translate]

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