Rig-Veda 9.073.03

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     pavítravantaḥ pári vā́cam āsate      pavítravantaḥ = pári vā́cam āsate-_      M        ◡—◡——   ◡◡   —◡   —◡—   (12)
b.     pitáiṣām pratnó abhí rakṣati vratám      pitā́ eṣām pratnáḥ = abhí rakṣati vratám      M        ◡——   —◡   ◡◡   —◡—   ◡—   (12)
c.     maháḥ samudráṃ váruṇas tiró dadhe      maháḥ samudrám = váruṇaḥ } tiráḥ dadhe-_      M        ◡—   ◡——   ◡◡—   ◡—   ◡—   (12)
d.     dhī́rā íc chekur dharúṇeṣu ārábham      dhī́rāḥ ít šekuḥ = dharúṇeṣu ārábham      M        —◡   —   ——   ◡◡—◡   —◡—   (12)

Labels:M: genre M  
Aufrecht: pavítravantaḥ pári vā́cam āsate pitáiṣām pratnó abhí rakṣati vratám
maháḥ samudráṃ váruṇas tiró dadhe dhī́rā íc chekur dharúṇeṣv ārábham
Pada-Pāṭha: pavitra-vantaḥ | pari | vācam | āsate | pitaā | eṣām | pratnaḥ | abhi | rakṣati | vratam | mahaḥ | samudram | varuṇaḥ | tiraḥ | dadhe | dhīrāḥ | it | šekuḥ | dharuṇeṣu | ārabham
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: With sanctifying gear they sit around the song: their ancient Father guards their holy work from harm.
Varuna hath o' erspread the mighty sea of air. Sages had power to hold him in sustaining floods.
Geldner: Die Seihe haltend warten sie der Rede; der alte Vater wacht über ihre Regel. Der grosse Varuna hat den Ozean verborgen. Nur die Sachkundigen vermochten ihn in seinen Unterlagen zu erfassen. [Google Translate]

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