Saṃhitā | Sāa-Pāṭha | Labels | Parse | ||
a. | ácchā kóšam madhušcútam | ácchā+ kóšam madhušcútam | MO | —— —— ◡—◡— | (8) |
b. | ásṛgraṃ vā́re avyáye | ásṛgram vā́re-_ avyáye-_ | MO | ◡—— —◡ —◡— | (8) |
c. | ávāvašanta dhītáyaḥ | ávāvašanta dhītáyaḥ | MOR | ◡—◡—◡ —◡— | (8) |
Labels: | M: genre M O: Oldenberg's gāyatrī corpus R: repeated line |
Aufrecht: | áchā kóšam madhušcútam ásṛgraṃ vā́re avyáye ávāvašanta dhītáyaḥ |
Pada-Pāṭha: | accha | košam | madhu-šcutam | asṛgram | vāre | avyaye | avāvašanta | dhītayaḥ |
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): | [buggy OCR; check source] |
Griffith: | They have been poured upon the fleece towards the meath-distilling vat: The holy songs have sounded forth. |
Geldner: | Nach der von Süssigkeit überfliessenden Kufe sind sie auf das Schafhaar losgelassen. Laut haben die Gebete geschrieen. [Google Translate] |
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