Rig-Veda 7.083.06

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     yuvā́ṃ havanta ubháyāsa ājíṣu      yuvā́m havante-_ = ubháyāsaḥ ājíṣu      M        ◡—   ◡—◡   ◡◡—◡   —◡◡   (12)
b.     índraṃ ca vásvo váruṇaṃ ca sātáye      índram ca vásvaḥ = váruṇam } ca sātáye-_      M        ——   ◡   ——   ◡◡—   ◡   —◡—   (12)
c.     yátra rā́jabhir dašábhir níbādhitam      yátra rā́jabhiḥ = dašábhiḥ } níbādhitam      M        —◡   —◡—   ◡◡—   ◡—◡—   (12)
d.     prá sudā́sam ā́vataṃ tṛ́tsubhiḥ sahá      prá sudā́sam = ā́vatam tṛ́tsubhiḥ sahá      M        ◡   ◡—◡   —◡—   —◡—   ◡◡   (12)

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Aufrecht: yuvā́ṃ havanta ubháyāsa ājíṣv índraṃ ca vásvo váruṇaṃ ca sātáye
yátra rā́jabhir dašábhir níbādhitam prá sudā́sam ā́vataṃ tṛ́tsubhiḥ sahá
Pada-Pāṭha: yuvām | havante | ubhayāsaḥ | ājiṣu | indram | ca | vasvaḥ | varuṇam | ca | sātaye | yatra | rāja-bhiḥ | daša-bhiḥ | ni-bādhitam | pra | su-dāsam | āvatam | tṛtsu-bhiḥ | saha
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): yuvā́=ṃ havanta ubháyāsa ājíṣ<u> índraṃ ca vásvo váruṇaṃ ca sātáye
yátra rā́=jabhir dašábhir níbādhitam prá sudā́=sam ā́=vataṃ tṛtsubhiḥ sahá [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: The men of both the hosts invoked you in the fight, Indra and Varuna, that they might win the wealth,
What time ye helped Sudas, with all the Trtsu folk, when the Ten Kings had pressed him down in their attack.
Geldner: " Euch, den Indra und Varuna, rufen beide Parteien in den Schlachten, um das Gut zu gewinnen", wobei ihr dem von zehn Königen bedrängten Sudas samt den Tritsu's beistandet. [Google Translate]

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