Rig-Veda 7.061.01

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     úd vāṃ cákṣur varuṇa suprátīkaṃ      út vām cákṣuḥ = varuṇā suprátīkam      M        —   —   ——   ◡◡◡   —◡——   (11)
b.     deváyor eti sū́riyas tatanvā́n      deváyoḥ eti = sū́ryaḥ } tatanvā́n      M        —◡—   —◡   —◡—   ◡——   (11)
c.     abhí yó víšvā bhúvanāni cáṣṭe      abhí yáḥ víšvā = bhúvanāni cáṣṭe-_      M        ◡◡   —   ——   ◡◡—◡   ——   (11)
d.     sá manyúm mártiyeṣu ā́ ciketa      sá manyúm mártyeṣu ā́ } ciketa      M        ◡   ——   —◡—◡   —   ◡—◡   (11)

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Aufrecht: úd vāṃ cákṣur varuṇa suprátīkaṃ deváyor eti sū́ryas tatanvā́n
abhí yó víšvā bhúvanāni cáṣṭe sá manyúm mártyeṣv ā́ ciketa
Pada-Pāṭha: ut | vām | cakṣuḥ | varuṇā | su-pratīkam | devayoḥ | eti | sūryaḥ | tatanvān | abhi | yaḥ | višvā | bhuvanāni | caṣṭe | saḥ | manyum | martyeṣu | ā | ciketa
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): úd vāṃ cákṣur varuṇa suprátīkaṃ deváyor eti sū́r<i>yas tatanvā́=n
abhí yó víšvā bhúvanāni cáṣṭe sá manyúm márt<i>yeṣ<u> ā́=ciketa [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: O VARUNA and Mitra, Surya spreading the beauteous light of you Twain Gods ariseth.
He who beholdetb all existing creatures observetb well the zeal that is in mortals.
Geldner: Surya, euer beider Götter Auge, geht, schön anzuschauen, Licht verbreitend, auf o Varuna und Mitra, der alle Wesen überschaut; er erkennt auch die Absicht in den Sterblichen. [Google Translate]

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