Rig-Veda 1.023.16

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     ambáyo yanti ádhvabhir      ambáyaḥ yanti ádhvabhiḥ      PO        —◡—   —◡   —◡—   (8)
b.     jāmáyo adhvarīyatā́m      jāmáyaḥ adhvarīyatā́m      PO        —◡◡   —◡—◡—   (8)
c.     pṛñcatī́r mádhunā páyaḥ      pṛñcatī́ḥ mádhunā páyaḥ      PO        —◡—   ◡◡—   ◡—   (8)

Labels:O: Oldenberg's gāyatrī corpus   P: popular  
Aufrecht: ambáyo yanty ádhvabhir jāmáyo adhvarīyatā́m
pṛñcatī́r mádhunā páyaḥ
Pada-Pāṭha: ambayaḥ | yanti | adhva-bhiḥ | jāmayaḥ | adhvari-yatām | pṛñcatīḥ | madhunā | payaḥ
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): ambáyo yant<i> ádhvabhir jāmáyo adhvarīyatā́=m
pṛñcatī́r mádhunā páyaḥ [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: Along their paths the Mothers go, Sisters of priestly ministrants,
Mingling their sweetness with the milk.
Geldner: Die Mütter der diensttuenden Priester, die Schwestern ziehen ihre Wege, ihre Milch mit Süssigkeit durchtränkend. [Google Translate]

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