Rig-Veda 1.017.01

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     índrāváruṇayor aháṃ      índrāváruṇayoḥ ahám      MO        ——◡◡◡—   ◡—   (8)
b.     samrā́jor áva ā́ vṛṇe      samrā́joḥ ávaḥ ā́ vṛṇe-_      MO        ———   ◡◡   —   ◡—   (8)
c.     tā́ no mṝḷāta īdṛ́še      tā́ naḥ mṛḷātaḥ īdṛ́še?_      MO        —   —   ——◡   —◡—   (8)

Labels:M: genre M   O: Oldenberg's gāyatrī corpus  
Aufrecht: índrāváruṇayor aháṃ samrā́jor áva ā́ vṛṇe
tā́ no mṛḷāta īdṛ́še
Pada-Pāṭha: indrāvaruṇayoḥ | aham | sam-rājoḥ | avaḥ | ā | vṛṇe | tā | naḥ | mṛḷātaḥ | īdṛše
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): índrāváruṇayor aháṃ samrā́jor áva ā́ vṛṇe
tā́=no m<ṝ>ḷāta īdṛ́še [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: I CRAVE help from the Imperial Lords, from Indra-Varuna; may they
Both favour one of us like me.
Geldner: Ich erbitte mir die Gunst der beiden Allherrscher Indra und Varuna; sie mögen unsereinem barmherzig sein. [Google Translate]

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