Saṃhitā | Sāa-Pāṭha | Labels | Parse | ||
a. | súvarṇaram antárikṣāṇi rocanā́ | svàrṇaram = antárikṣāṇi rocanā́ | M | ◡—◡◡ —◡——◡ —◡— | (12) |
b. | dyā́vābhū́mī pṛthivī́ṃ skambhur ójasā | dyā́vābhū́mī+_ = pṛthivī́m skambhuḥ ójasā | M | ———— ◡◡— —◡ —◡— | (12) |
c. | pṛkṣā́ iva maháyantaḥ surātáyo | pṛkṣā́ḥ iva = maháyantaḥ } surātáyaḥ | M | —◡ ◡◡ ◡◡—— ◡—◡— | (12) |
d. | devā́ stavante mánuṣāya sūráyaḥ | devā́ḥ stavante?_ = mánuṣāya sūráyaḥ | M | —— ◡—— ◡◡—◡ —◡— | (12) |
Labels: | M: genre M |
Aufrecht: | sva |rṇaram antárikṣāṇi rocanā́ dyā́vābhū́mī pṛthivī́ṃ skambhur ójasā pṛkṣā́ iva maháyantaḥ surātáyo devā́ stavante mánuṣāya sūráyaḥ |
Pada-Pāṭha: | svaḥ-naram | antarikṣāṇi | rocanā | dyāvābhūmī iti | pṛthivīm | skambhuḥ | ojasā | pṛkṣāḥ-iva | mahayantaḥ | su-rātayaḥ | devāḥ | stavante | manuṣāya | sūrayaḥ |
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): | s<ú>varṇaram antárikṣāṇi rocanā́=dyā́=vābhū́=mī pṛthivī́=ṃ skambhur ójasā pṛkṣā́ iva maháyantaḥ surātáyo devā́ stavante mánuṣāya sūráyaḥ [buggy OCR; check source] |
Griffith: | They with their might have stayed Heaven, Earth, and Prthivi, the Lord of Light, the firmament,-the lustrous spheres. Even as fleet-foot steeds who make their masters glad, the princely Gods are praised, most bountiful to man. |
Geldner: | Svarnara, die Lufträume, die Lichträume, Himmel und Erde, das Land haben sie mit Kraft gestützt. Die freigebig wie die lebenskräftigen Angiras den Mut erhöhen, die Götter werden als Gönner für den Menschen gepriesen. [Google Translate] |
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