Saṃhitā | Sāa-Pāṭha | Labels | Parse | ||
a. | anarvā́ṇo hí eṣaām | anarvā́ṇaḥ hí eṣām | M | ◡——— ◡ —◡— | (8) |
b. | pánthā āditiyā́naām | pánthāḥ ādityā́nām | M | —◡ —◡◡—◡— | (8) |
c. | ádabdhāḥ sánti pāyávaḥ | ádabdhāḥ sánti pāyávaḥ | MS | ◡—— —◡ —◡— | (8) |
d. | sugevṛ́dhaḥ | sugevṛ́dhaḥ | MS | ◡—◡— | (4) |
Labels: | M: genre M S: line affected by realignment |
Aufrecht: | anarvā́ṇo hy e |ṣām pánthā ādityā́nām ádabdhāḥ sánti pāyávaḥ sugevṛ́dhaḥ |
Pada-Pāṭha: | anarvāṇaḥ | hi | eṣām | panthā | ādityānām | adabdhāḥ | santi | pāyavaḥ | suge--vṛdhaḥ |
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): | anarvā́=ṇo h<í> eṣaām pánthā ādit<i>yā́=naām ádabdhāḥ sánti pāyávaḥ sugevṛ́dhaḥ [buggy OCR; check source] |
Griffith: | For not an enemy molests the paths which these Adityas tread: Infallible guards, they strengthen us in happiness. |
Geldner: | Denn unangefochten sind dieser Aditya's Wege, unbetört sind ihre Wächter, die auf gutem Wege zu Gedeihen führen. [Google Translate] |
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