Rig-Veda 7.066.17

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     kā́viyebhir adābhiyā      kā́vyebhiḥ adābhyā      M        —◡—◡   ◡—◡—   (8)
b.     ā́ yātaṃ varuṇa dyumát      ā́ yātam varuṇa dyumát      M        —   ——   ◡◡—   ◡—   (8)
c.     mitráš ca sómapītaye      mitráḥ ca sómapītaye-_      M        ——   ◡   —◡—◡—   (8)

Labels:M: genre M  
Aufrecht: kā́vyebhir adābhyā́ yātaṃ varuṇa dyumát
mitráš ca sómapītaye
Pada-Pāṭha: kāvyebhiḥ | adābhyā | ā | yātam | varuṇa | dyu-mat | mitraḥ | ca | soma-pītaye
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): kā́=v<i>yebhir adābh<i>yā <ā́=> yātaṃ varuṇa dyumát
mitráš ca sómapītaye [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: Infallible through your wisdom, come hither, resplendent Varuna,
And Mitra, to the Soma draught.
Geldner: Mit eurer Weisheit kommet, ihr untrügbaren Mitra und Varuna, glanzvoll her, um Soma zu trinken! [Google Translate]

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