Saṃhitā | Sāa-Pāṭha | Labels | Parse | ||
a. | úd vām pṛkṣā́so mádhumanto asthur | út vām pṛkṣā́saḥ = mádhumantaḥ asthuḥ | M | — — ——— ◡◡—◡ —— | (11) |
b. | ā́ sū́riyo aruhac chukrám árṇaḥ | ā́ sū́ryaḥ = aruhat šukrám árṇaḥ | MR | — —◡◡ ◡◡— —◡ —— | (11) |
c. | yásmā ādityā́ ádhvano rádanti | yásmai ādityā́ḥ = ádhvanaḥ } rádanti | M | —◡ ——◡ —◡— ◡—◡ | (11) |
d. | mitró aryamā́ váruṇaḥ sajóṣāḥ | mitráḥ aryamā́ = váruṇaḥ } sajóṣāḥ | MR | —◡ —◡— ◡◡— ◡—— | (11) |
Labels: | M: genre M R: repeated line |
Aufrecht: | úd vām pṛkṣā́so mádhumanto asthur ā́ sū́ryo aruhac chukrám árṇaḥ yásmā ādityā́ ádhvano rádanti mitró aryamā́ váruṇaḥ sajóṣāḥ |
Pada-Pāṭha: | ut | vām | pṛkṣāsaḥ | madhu-mantaḥ | asthuḥ | ā | sūryaḥ | aruhat | šukram | arṇaḥ | yasmai | ādityāḥ | adhvanaḥ | radanti | mitraḥ | aryamā | varuṇaḥ | sa-joṣāḥ |
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): | úd vām pṛkṣā́so mádhumanto asthur ā́=sū́=r<i>yo aruhac chukrám árṇaḥ yásmā ādityā́ ádhvano rádanti mitró aryamā́ váruṇaḥ sajóṣāḥ [buggy OCR; check source] |
Griffith: | Your coursers rich in store of sweets have mounted: to the bright ocean Surya hath ascended, For whom the Adityas make his pathway ready, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuna, accordant. |
Geldner: | Eure starken, honigreichen Rosse sind heraufgekommen; Surya hat jetzt das lichte Meer erstiegen, dem die Aditya's einträchtig die Wege vorzeichnen: Mitra, Aryaman, Varuna. [Google Translate] |
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