Rig-Veda 5.085.05

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     imā́m ū ṣú āsurásya šrutásya      imā́m ū+_+ sú = āsurásya } šrutásya      M        ◡—   —   ◡   —◡——   ◡—◡   (11)
b.     mahī́m māyā́ṃ váruṇasya prá vocam      mahī́m māyā́m = váruṇasya } prá vocam      M        ◡—   ——   ◡◡——   ◡   ——   (11)
c.     mā́neneva tasthivā́m̆ antárikṣe      mā́nena iva = tasthivā́n antárikṣe-_      M        ———◡   —◡—   —◡——   (11)
d.     ví yó mamé pṛthivī́ṃ sū́riyeṇa      ví yáḥ mamé?_ = pṛthivī́m sū́ryeṇa      M        ◡   —   ◡—   ◡◡—   —◡—◡   (11)

Labels:M: genre M  
Aufrecht: imā́m ū ṣv āā |surásya šrutásya mahī́m māyā́ṃ váruṇasya prá vocam
mā́neneva tasthivā́m̆ antárikṣe ví yó mamé pṛthivī́ṃ sū́ryeṇa
Pada-Pāṭha: imām | oṃ iti | su | āsurasya | šrutasya | mahīm | māyām | varuṇasya | pra | vocam | mānena-iva | tasthi-vān | antarikṣe | vi | yaḥ | mame | pṛthivīm | sūryeṇa
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): imā́=m ū ṣ<ú> āsurásya šrutásya mahī́=m māyā́=ṃ váruṇasya prá vocam
mā́=neneva tasthivā́=m̆ antárikṣe ví yó mamé pṛthivī́=ṃ sū́=r<i>yeṇa [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: I will declare this mighty deed of magic, of glorious Varuna the Lord Immortal,
Who standing in the firmament hath meted the earth out with the Sun as with a measure.
Geldner: Dieses grosse Kunststück des berühmten asurischen Varuna will ich fein verkünden, der in der Luft stehend wie mit dem Messstab die Erde mit der Sonne abgemessen hat. [Google Translate]

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