Saṃhitā | Sāa-Pāṭha | Labels | Parse | ||
a. | trír asya tā́ paramā́ santi satyā́ | tríḥ asya tā́ = paramā́ santi satyā́ | M | ◡ —◡ — ◡◡— —◡ —— | (11) |
b. | spārhā́ devásya jánimāni agnéḥ | spārhā́ devásya = jánimāni agnéḥ | M | —— ——◡ ◡◡—◡ —— | (11) |
c. | ananté antáḥ párivīta ā́gāc | ananté?_ antár = párivītaḥ ā́ agāt | M | ◡—◡ —— ◡◡—◡ —— | (11) |
d. | chúciḥ šukró ariyó rórucānaḥ | šúciḥ šukráḥ = aryáḥ rórucānaḥ | M | ◡— —◡ ◡◡— —◡—— | (11) |
Labels: | M: genre M |
Aufrecht: | trír asya tā́ paramā́ santi satyā́ spārhā́ devásya jánimāny agnéḥ ananté antáḥ párivīta ā́gāc chúciḥ šukró aryó rórucānaḥ |
Pada-Pāṭha: | triḥ | asya | tā | paramā | santi | satyā | spārhā | devasya | janimāni | agneḥ | anante | antariti | pari-vītaḥ | ā | agāt | šuciḥ | šukraḥ | aryaḥ | rorucānaḥ |
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): | trír asya tā́=paramā́=santi satyā́=spārhā́ devásya jánimān<i> agnéḥ ananté antáḥ párivīta ā́=gāc chúciḥ šukró ar<i>yó rórucānaḥ [buggy OCR; check source] |
Griffith: | The God's glance, longed-for even as the butter, pure, heated, of the cow, the milch-cow's bounty. Three are those births, the true, the most exalted, eagerly longed-for, of the God, of Agni. |
Geldner: | Dreifach sind diese seine höchsten wahren Geburten, die ersehnten Geburten des Gottes Agni. In endlosem Dunkel verhüllt ist er gekommen, der reine, helle, erstrahlende Herr. [Google Translate] |
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