Rig-Veda 3.061.07

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     ṛtásya budhná uṣásām iṣaṇyán      ṛtásya budhné-_ = uṣásām } iṣaṇyán      M        ◡—◡   —◡   ◡◡—   ◡——   (11)
b.     vṛ́ṣā mahī́ ródasī ā́ viveša      vṛ́ṣā mahī́+_ = ródasī+_ ā́ } viveša      M        ◡—   ◡—   —◡◡   —   ◡—◡   (11)
c.     mahī́ mitrásya váruṇasya māyā́      mahī́-_ mitrásya = váruṇasya māyā́      M        ◡—   ——◡   ◡◡—◡   ——   (11)
d.     candréva bhānúṃ ví dadhe purutrā́      candrā́ iva bhānúm = ví dadhe-_ } purutrā́      M        ——◡   ——   ◡   ◡—   ◡——   (11)

Labels:M: genre M  
Aufrecht: ṛtásya budhná uṣásām iṣaṇyán vṛ́ṣā mahī́ ródasī ā́ viveša
mahī́ mitrásya váruṇasya māyā́ candréva bhānúṃ ví dadhe purutrā́
Pada-Pāṭha: ṛtasya | budhne | uṣasām | iṣaṇyan | vṛṣā | mahī iti | rodasī iti | ā | viveša | mahī | mitrasya | varuṇasya | māyā | candrāiva | bhānum | vi | dadhe | puru-trā
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): ṛtásya budhná uṣásām iṣaṇyán vṛ́ṣā mahī́ ródasī ā́ viveša
mahī́ mitrásya váruṇasya māyā́ candṛ́va bhānúṃ ví dadhe purutrā́ [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: On Law's firm base the speeder of the Mornings, the Bull, hath entered mighty earth and heaven.
Great is the power of Varuna and Mitra, which, bright, hath spread in every place its splendour.
Geldner: Im Urgrund des Gesetzes nach den Morgenröten verlangend ist der Bulle in beide grosse Welten eingezogen. Gross ist das Kunststück des Mitra und Varuna; wie Gold hat er nach vielen Seiten seinen Glanz verbreitet. [Google Translate]

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