Rig-Veda 2.027.08

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     tisró bhū́mīr dhārayan trī́m̆r utá dyū́n      tisráḥ bhū́mīḥ = dhārayan trī́n } utá dyū́n      M        ——   ——   —◡—   —   ◡—   —   (11)
b.     trī́ṇi vratā́ vidáthe antár eṣām      trī́ṇi vratā́ = vidáthe?_ antár eṣām      M        ——   ◡—   ◡◡◡   —◡   ——   (11)
c.     ṛténādityā máhi vo mahitváṃ      ṛténa ādityāḥ = máhi vaḥ } mahitvám      M        ◡————   ◡◡   —   ◡——   (11)
d.     tád aryaman varuṇa mitra cā́ru      tát aryaman = varuṇa mitra cā́ru      M        ◡   —◡—   ◡◡◡   —◡   —◡   (11)

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Aufrecht: tisró bhū́mīr dhārayan trī́m̆r utá dyū́n trī́ṇi vratā́ vidáthe antár eṣām
ṛténādityā máhi vo mahitváṃ tád aryaman varuṇa mitra cā́ru
Pada-Pāṭha: tisraḥ | bhūmīḥ | dhārayan | trīn | uta | dyūn | trīṇi | vratā | vidathe | antaḥ | eṣām | ṛtena | ādityāḥ | mahi | vaḥ | mahi-tvam | tat | aryaman | varuṇa | mitra | cāru
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): tisró bhū́mīr dhārayan trī́m̆r utá dyū́n trī́ṇi vratā́ vidáthe antár eṣām
ṛténādityā máhi vo mahitváṃ tád aryaman varuṇa mitra cā́ru [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: With their support they stay three earths, three heavens; three are their functions in the Gods' assembly.
Mighty through Law, Adityas, is your greatness; fair is it, Aryaman, Varuna, and Mitra.
Geldner: Sie erhalten die drei Erden und die drei Himmel; die drei Gebote sind in ihrem Wissensbereich. Durch die Wahrheit ist eure Hoheit gross, ihr Aditya' s, ist sie lieb, Aryaman, Varuna, Mitra. [Google Translate]

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