Rig-Veda 1.161.14

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     divā́ yānti marúto bhū́miyāgnír      divā́ yānti = marútaḥ bhū́myā agníḥ      P        ◡—   —◡   ◡◡—   —◡——   (11)
b.     ayáṃ vā́to antárikṣeṇa yāti      ayám vā́taḥ = antárikṣeṇa yāti      P        ◡—   —◡   —◡——◡   —◡   (11)
c.     adbhír yāti | váruṇaḥ samudráir      adbhíḥ yāti váruṇaḥ samudráiḥ      P        ——   —◡   |   ◡◡—   ◡——   (11)
d.     yuṣmā́m̆ icchántaḥ šavaso napātaḥ      yuṣmā́n icchántaḥ = šavasaḥ } napātaḥ      P        ——   ———   ◡◡—   ◡——   (11)

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Aufrecht: divā́ yānti marúto bhū́myāgnír ayáṃ vā́to antárikṣeṇa yāti
adbhír yāti váruṇaḥ samudráir yuṣmā́m̆ ichántaḥ šavaso napātaḥ
Pada-Pāṭha: divā | yānti | marutaḥ | bhūmyā | agniḥ | ayam | vātaḥ | antarikṣeṇa | yāti | at-bhiḥ | yāti | varuṇaḥ | samudraiḥ | yuṣmān | icchantaḥ | šavasaḥ | napātaḥ
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): divā́=yānti maṛ́to bhū́=m<i>yāgnír ayáṃ vā́=to antárikṣeṇa yāti
adbhír yāti [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: The Maruts move in heaven, on earth this Agni; through the mid-firmament the Wind approaches.
Varuna comes in the sea's gathered waters, O Sons of Strength, desirous of your presence.
Geldner: Am Himmel gehen die Marut, auf der Erde Agni, der Wind geht im Luftraum; in den Wassern, in den Meeren geht Varuna, indem sie euch suchen, ihr Kinder der Kraft. [Google Translate]

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