Saṃhitā | Sāa-Pāṭha | Labels | Parse | ||
a. | sutá índrāya víṣṇave | sutáḥ índrāya víṣṇave-_ | MO | ◡◡ ——◡ —◡— | (8) |
b. | sómaḥ kaláše akṣarat | sómaḥ kaláše-_ akṣarat | MO | —— ◡◡◡ —◡— | (8) |
c. | mádhumām̆ astu vāyáve | mádhumān astu vāyáve-_ | MO | ◡◡— —◡ —◡— | (8) |
Labels: | M: genre M O: Oldenberg's gāyatrī corpus |
Aufrecht: | sutá índrāya víṣṇave sómaḥ kaláše akṣarat mádhumām̆ astu vāyáve |
Pada-Pāṭha: | sutaḥ | indrāya | viṣṇave | somaḥ | kalaše | akṣarat | madhu-mān | astu | vāyave |
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): | [buggy OCR; check source] |
Griffith: | For Indra and for Visnu poured, Soma hath flowed into the jar: May Vayu find it rich in sweets. |
Geldner: | Für Indra, Vishnu ausgepresst ist der Soma in den Krug geflossen; süss soll er für Vayu sein! [Google Translate] |
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