Rig-Veda 8.019.04

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     ūrjó nápātaṃ subhágaṃ sudī́ditim      ūrjáḥ nápātam = subhágam } sudī́ditim      M        ——   ◡——   ◡◡—   ◡—◡—   (12)
b.     agníṃ šráyiṣṭhašociṣam      agním šréṣṭhašociṣam      M        ——   ◡—◡—◡—   (8)
c.     sá no mitrásya váruṇasya só apā́m      sá naḥ mitrásya = váruṇasya sá u!+_ apā́m      M        ◡   —   ——◡   ◡◡—◡   ◡   ◡—   (12)
d.     ā́ sumnáṃ yakṣate diví      ā́ sumnám yakṣate?_ diví      M        —   ——   —◡—   ◡◡   (8)

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Aufrecht: ūrjó nápātaṃ subhágaṃ sudī́ditim agníṃ šréṣṭhašociṣam
sá no mitrásya váruṇasya só apā́m ā́ sumnáṃ yakṣate diví
Pada-Pāṭha: ūrjaḥ | napātam | su-bhagam | su-dīditim | agnim | šreṣṭha-šociṣam | saḥ | naḥ | mitrasya | varuṇasya | saḥ | apām | ā | sumnam | yakṣate | divi
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): ūrjó nápātaṃ subhágaṃ sudī́ditim agníṃ šróṣṭhašociṣam
sá no mitrásya váruṇasya só apā́m ā́ sumnáṃ yakṣate diví [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: The Son of Strength, the blessed, brightly shining One, Agni whose light is excellent.
May be by sacrifice win us in heaven the grace of Mitra, Varuna, and the Floods.
Geldner: Das Kind der Kraft, den holden schönleuchtenden Agni mit schönsten Flammen. Er möge uns des Mitra, des Varuna, er der Gewässer Gunst im Himmel erbitten. [Google Translate]

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