Rig-Veda 3.054.18

SaṃhitāSāša-PāṭhaLabels    Parse
a.     aryamā́ ṇo áditir yajñíyāso      aryamā́ naḥ = áditiḥ yajñíyāsaḥ      M        —◡—   ◡   ◡◡—   —◡——   (11)
b.     ádabdhāni váruṇasya vratā́ni      ádabdhāni = váruṇasya } vratā́ni      MR        ◡——◡   ◡◡——   ◡—◡   (11)
c.     yuyóta no anapatyā́ni gántoḥ      yuyóta naḥ = anapatyā́ni gántoḥ      M        ◡—◡   ◡   ◡◡——◡   ——   (11)
d.     prajā́vān naḥ pašumā́m̆ astu gātúḥ      prajā́vān naḥ = pašumā́n astu gātúḥ      M        ◡——   —   ◡◡—   —◡   ——   (11)

Labels:M: genre M   R: repeated line  
Aufrecht: aryamā́ ṇo áditir yajñíyāsó 'dabdhāni váruṇasya vratā́ni
yuyóta no anapatyā́ni gántoḥ prajā́vān naḥ pašumā́m̆ astu gātúḥ
Pada-Pāṭha: aryamā | ṇaḥ | aditiḥ | yajñiyāsaḥ | adabdhāni | varuṇasya | vratāni | yuyota | naḥ | anapatyāni | gantoḥ | prajāvān | naḥ | pašu-mān | astu | gātuḥ
Van Nooten & Holland (2nd ed.): aryamā́=ṇo áditir yajñíyāso <á>dabdhāni váruṇasya vratā́=ni
yuyóta no anapatyā́ni gántoḥ prajā́vān naḥ pašumā́m̆ astu gātúḥ [buggy OCR; check source]
Griffith: Aryaman, Aditi deserve our worship: the laws of Varuna remain unbroken.
The lot of childlessness remove ye from us, and let our course be rich in kine and offspring.
Geldner: Aryaman, Aditi sind uns anbetungswert. Nicht zu hintergehen sind die Gebote des Varuna. Bewahret uns davor, in Kinderlosigkeit zu geraten. Unser Lebensweg sei kinderreich, reich an Vieh. [Google Translate]

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